Main Hosts
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and GLOCAL SOAS, University of London
Co Hosts
University of Patras, University of the Aegean, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Democritus University of Thrace
Purpose and Structure
Over 450 scholars globally will gather to present papers and to engage in progressive discussion on the Linguistic Anthropology, Language and Society, Sociolinguistics, and related fields of Europe and Mediterranean. The GLOCAL COMELA is fully Non-Profit, assisting scholars in impeded economic positions, who require funding to access the COMELA Conference, and who display strong ability in their work. GLOCAL COMELA proceedings are SCOPUS / ISI (AHCI / SSCI / CPCi) indexed and contribute to ranked and cited publications for all those accepted to present. The GLOCAL COMELA publishes papers presented at the GLOCAL COMELA 2021 in Top Tier Journal Publication Special Issues.
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens
July 21-24, 2021
Bounded Languages ... Unbounded / Περιορισμένες Γλώσσες ... Απεριόριστες, a theme highly pertinent to Europe and Mediterranean at the current time, encapsulates the ongoing struggle throughout Mediterranean and European regions. As the continuous tension between demarcation, and the concurrent legitimization, of languages, language ideologies, and language identities, enters an era where new modes of interactivity require language communities to take on roles superordinate to the past, flexible citizenship now operates within, and not only across, language communities, to unbind languages, and to create new boundaries, unlike those ever seen throughout history.
Keynote and Plenary Speakers
- Professor Jan Blommaert - Tilburg University (memorial)
- Professor Alexandra Georgakopoulou - King's College London
- Professor Dimitris Dalakoglou - Vrije University
Several other globally prominent Linguistic Anthropologists
Official Partners
- Taylor and Francis Global Publishers, Elsevier Publishers
- SOAS, University of London
- Over 300 academic institutions globally (University of Hawai'i, Temple University, University of Illinois University, Montclair State University, Ohio State University, University College Dublin, Stockholm University, and so forth)
- Scientific Committee of over 250 academics globally prominent in Linguistic Anthropology and related fields
- General Papers (450+)
- Colloquia (30+)
- Poster Presentations (150+)
- Methodology / Analysis Workshops (Endangered Languages Network, Globally Prominent Professors Teaching Methodology)
- Talks
- Keynotes
- Anthropological Excursion
- Cultural Performances
- Anthropological Exhibitions
- Linguistics Exhibitions
- Displays
- Proceedings Publications (SCOPUS / ISI / AHCI / SSCI / CPCI)
- Special Issue Publications in Top Tier Journals
Publications - Several Special (Top-Tier/Scopus/ISI/ACHI/SSCI) Journal issues and monographs are planned with well ranked publications and publishers only, from papers submitted to The GLOCAL COMELA 2021 that meet review requirements. Ample assistance is provided to revise papers. Publication in The JOMELA, The GLOCAL Journal for Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology.
Abstract Submissions - The Call for Abstracts is now open (see link below)
Anthropological Excursion - Various Locations, Greece (final day)
All Links can be found HERE (, FB, Glocal App)