The British Museum has updated his online reach by 300,000 new photographs, for a total of 1.9 million images, all of which are free to download and use for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons license. To date, it has digitized nearly 4.5 million objects, or about half of its encyclopedic collection. For the first time, the online catalogue, launched in 2007, is accessible on mobile phones and tablets. The museum has also added high-resolution photographs of objects like the famed Rosetta Stone that are invisible to the human eye, even if you were to be at the museum. New additions to the digital collection include the Easter Island sculpture Hoa Hakananai’a, a 1,600-year-old Chinese Admonitions Scroll, and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s The Death of Breuze Sans Pitié, which was acquired in September. The museum is also touting new online catalogue entries for 73 Damien Hirst drawings (collectively titled “Portraits of Frank, The Wolseley Drawings”), in which the artist sketched his business manager on placemats during their regular breakfast meetings between 2004 and 2010. Unfortunately, however, no images of the works are available.
See them all HERE.
See them all HERE.