Saturday, August 13, 2016 - “The odyssey to the Ithaca of learning: Motivated persons, challenging contexts” as the theme of the ICM 2016 wishes to point out the dynamic interaction between the person and the context in explaining the psychological processes or, in other words, ‘the journey’ towards goal attainment and learning. Independently of age, people pursue goals in all spheres of life (see ICM 2012, Frankfurt) such as education, work, social relationships, sports, personal development. The contexts within goals are pursued are challenging calling for new directions in mind (see ICM 2010, Porto), passion to learn (see ICM 2014, Helsinki), persistence to overcome difficulties and all personal qualities having motivational power. Αt the same time the person has to regulate knowledge, skills, behaviors, self-beliefs and emotions, taking into account the contextual demands and affordances. The interaction of all these factors in explaining motivation is central in ICM 2016.
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