Saturday, 18th of April 2015 - Founded in 2009, Arquetopia is an award-winning, Mexican official nonprofit foundation promoting Development, social transformation and productivity through artistic, cultural, and educational programs. The core of the Foundation is Sustainable Development through four principles embodied in all of Arquetopia’s programs and activities: social awareness, shared responsibility, innovation, and local networks development. Arquetopia is experienced in negotiation and reinvestment of resources for local arts development in Mexico with the following features: social scope; quality; synergy; collaboration; innovation; viability; reciprocity; and respect for local knowledge. ARCHETYPE (Latin archetypum an original, Greek archétypon a model, pattern). The original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. UTOPIA (literally: no place, from Greek ou not + topos a place). Any real or imaginary society, place, state, etc., considered to be perfect or ideal.
The Open Call
Artist-in-Residence Programs offer competitive professional opportunities for emerging and mid-career, national and international artists, designers, curators, art historians, art educators, writers, journalists, cultural researchers, and graduate students age 25 and over. Artists-in-residence are introduced to a better understanding of Mexico’s Mesoamerican and colonial past, its modern present, and while producing, they learn to challenge contemporary art and what are considered traditional art practices; therefore, Arquetopia aids this process with a series of weekly individual meetings, discussion, critiques, and a critical bibliography that are tailored to each artist’s needs. The ultimate goal is for artists to learn new methods and techniques while questioning their own practice in the hopes of extending the critical discussion to other communities.
For detailled information on the residencies conditions click HERE.
The Open Call
Artist-in-Residence Programs offer competitive professional opportunities for emerging and mid-career, national and international artists, designers, curators, art historians, art educators, writers, journalists, cultural researchers, and graduate students age 25 and over. Artists-in-residence are introduced to a better understanding of Mexico’s Mesoamerican and colonial past, its modern present, and while producing, they learn to challenge contemporary art and what are considered traditional art practices; therefore, Arquetopia aids this process with a series of weekly individual meetings, discussion, critiques, and a critical bibliography that are tailored to each artist’s needs. The ultimate goal is for artists to learn new methods and techniques while questioning their own practice in the hopes of extending the critical discussion to other communities.
For detailled information on the residencies conditions click HERE.